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The black squared pot contain the two SunBreams + Gelberina II.

The grey contain Sunglower.

The red is Gelberina I.

The round black is the newly re-planted Gelberina III.

Since I trashed two gallons of soil I am short of it and think I won’t plant more today. Perhaps – I have nutrition-less for seedlings and really want those dwarf F1 going, but everything takes time.

I’ll just include them and you imagine, or so…

Updates, current flowers & balcony

To begin with, here is an example of why my balcony is in need of a re-take, yes – some berries have already passed the “eatable state” ( since long!)…



Next we see some examples of SunBream little & big. The reason one is “little” is that it is going to be chopped at around three feet in height (as mentioned in earlier posts… The little one is Gelberina II, whom I dropped on the floor yesterday.

Another picture of those three…



Next we have Sunglower. She is widening, but length? Nothing yet!


Next up is Gelberina III. She looks like some lousy plant from a flower store… I hope she fetches up when replanted…


In conclusion, here are the total (so far)…


Okay, so have a nice summer day! I must take a cold bath and shave it all off! Please contact me with any suggestions, or ideas..! /Anderz